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Product Reviews
No. Category Review Name Date View Recommend Rate
791 Korea eSIM Red View Details


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毓**** 2024.03.21 1868 0 5points
790 Korea eSIM Red View Details 網速超棒又穩定


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襄**** 2024.03.21 1678 0 5points
789 Korea SIM Gold View Details

I received my Gold Plus at the airport, and I charged the money through the online site. I was able to call my friend. It was very nice.

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L**** 2024.03.20 1626 0 5points
788 Korea eSIM Red View Details

eSIM with a phone number is very convenient

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Y**** 2024.03.20 1630 0 5points
787 Korea eSIM Red View Details

Convenient, easy, fast and reliable. 

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s**** 2024.03.20 1780 0 5points
786 WiFi Egg(Router) View Details 受取もスムーズで良かったです。


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M**** 2024.03.15 1638 0 5points
785 Korea eSIM Red View Details 快適に使えました!

到着すぐに使用でき、ソウル市内問題なく使うことができて便利でした。 設定も簡単でわかりやすく、初心者の方にも使いやすいと思います。

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秋**** 2024.03.15 1497 0 5points
784 Korea eSIM Red View Details 濟州也沒問題非常穩定

本來擔心去濟州島是否可用 不過這家有特別說濟州島也可用 抱著期待又緊張的心情 在桃機就先加入esim QR CODE是寄到自己電子信箱特別獨立一封信件的 一到濟州機場把原本自己電話號碼的功能關閉後 自動就連上韓國電信了 使用了五天都非常非常的順暢沒有任何卡唷

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恩**** 2024.03.15 1418 0 5points
783 Korea SIM Gold View Details nice one

Very good, fast network

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H**** 2024.03.15 1374 0 5points
782 Korea SIM Gold View Details 很推!網路速度很快很讚


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于**** 2024.03.15 1347 0 5points

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